Chinmaya Vidyalaya (E.M.)

Chhend Colony, Rourkela

NEW ADMISSION (2021-2022)


I declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge. I hereby agree to abide by the rules of the school. I understand that any instance of indiscipline or disobedience found on my part or should my conduct in the school be found unsatisfactory, my name will be removed from the rolls of the school at the sole discretion of the principal. I also understand that a minimum of 75% attendance in both theory & practical in each subject is compulsory as per council norms. I will not have any stand what-so-ever, if I am debarred form appearing at any examination including the final ISC (year-12) examination of the council for ISC, New Delhi due to not fulfilling the aforesaid minimum attendance criteria.